What happens when children get out into the real world?

“Education is a social process. Education is growth. Education is not a preparation for life; education is life itself.” ~ John Dewey Since 1968 a history of graduates from Sudbury Valley School has shown that the vast majority are living lives that are congruent with their values. In other words, graduates know themselves, know what […]

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How do children get into college? And will they be ready?

Today’s higher education landscape is rapidly changing and there is now a wide array of options available. We encourage students to research and pursue the option that works best for them in reaching their goals. Many students do choose to enter traditional 4-year colleges and universities. The history of Sudbury graduates is that 80% get […]

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What happens when children transfer to another school?

“When kids are constantly having to make decisions [in a democratic school], they begin to know who they are and to know how they feel about almost everything. When these kids go into an authoritarian situation, they do not feel threatened about losing their identity; they see the situation, instead, as a game that has […]

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